It was another beautiful sunny day in Nicaragua and we get to Managua airport all set for our 2 hr flight to Miami. This is going to be a breeze is what I thought and the 3 seats right in front of us were empty and I quickly moved in front with Connor while Daniel stayed behind with Ivy.., what luck on a pretty packed flight to have all this space!
About 30 mins into the flight there is an announcement that if anybody on board is a medical doctor please come forward as there is a sick person on board. Uh oh.. Then a lady gets up who I later learn was a nurse and goes to the front of the plane. A few mins later the airplane makes a turn and Daniel says that it's going to make an emergency landing. Of course he's correct, the pilot then announced this plan and to make matters worse the "sick" person is a flight attendant who bumped her head and I suppose was suspected to have a concussion. WTF was this woman doing in the cabin? There was no turbulence was she just a clumsy clutz who just didn't see the open drawer above her head?? Seriously how does this happen?
Anyways we land in Honduras a lovely small airport in the Murder Capital of the World!! Seriously! San Pedro Sula has the highest murder rate in the world. I am Miss Safety and this happening completely out of my control with my kids well thank you AA couldn't your pilot have landed in nearby safe Belize or Guatemala??
Anyways I figure waiting in the airport for our flight to continue once we get a new flight attendant won't be so bad.. Safest place is probably there. BUT after 6 hours of waiting in a confined area in a crappy airport they then announce that our flight is cancelled and start handing out immigration cards for Honduras! I could kill somebody at this point. Maybe nobody would notice in this town.
So it's almost 9 pm we have been here since 3 and Connor just fell asleep on
me and Ivy is so tired after climbing on every airport chair and then playing non stop with 3 other little girls on our flight that she is ready to pass out. We get in a bus that takes us to a hotel (more like a motel) that is 10 minutes away. The place looks pretty run down but at least it's clean and the guys at the front desk speak English ok. One guy was the size of 3 men, not sure what the diet is in Honduras since I saw quite a few of these rather large men in my short stay there. The porters/security guards had handguns and ammunition strapped around their waists in plain view as they helped us with our luggage including Ivy asleep in her stroller to our second floor room since there was no elevator and no more rooms on the ground floor.
The next morning we have a 6 am pick up so we are up at 5:30 and very tired only to be taken to the airport where there is a massive line and chaos to check in. The platinum access line is non existent and Daniel gives up after standing around for 1/2 hr and nobody helps us. Tells me that we should forget this and just stay here... No WAY!! So with Connor in my arms I go to the front of the line and demand that they check us in next and I suppose the pissed off desperate look on my face together with a baby did the trick they check us in straight away.
We have an uneventful flight to Miami and check into the airport hotel there for the day since our connecting flight to Trinidad isn't until 7pm that night. That night we get to Trinidad and you would think after 1day and 1/2 of traveling we could just get a break BUT no of course one of our pieces of luggage is missing- its the travel crib! Daniel is so fed up we just leave the airport minus the crib, thank you once again AA.
Connor says "lemme out of this airplane!"
Ivy says "what are you smiling about Daddy? American airlines sucks!!"