This is Fabio ...locals call him Bootie. His father is italian hence his name and his mother is a local Carib indian woman. I was told to give him a call from some locals I met one afternoon at the beach bar. These guys had just finished some cricket batting practise at a sport center that is directly across from the bar that also happens to have a very well maintained lawn tennis court (astro turf)...when I asked them how does one get access to the tennis court. One guy told pointed to a big house on the hill above and said the guy lives there and he can "hook me up"... He then made a phone call to Mr. Bootie..the conversation went something like this " aye Bootie i have my girlfriend here who wants to play tennis and you better charge her the local rate, her name is Nicola and she will call you soon to set up a lesson, cool?" And that was it done deal. I called him the next day and he told me that he is a tennis instructor and a fisherman and if we would be interested in tuna as he was out fishing for some right now. Tuna! Hell he would call me if he caught any. He showed up with that lovely specimen above and for 3 days now we have been eating tuna every which way.
Tuna crudo/ italian style with just a bit of olive oil, salt and favorite!
Then for lunch i made a fish sandwich with fresh chives from our herb garden
Then dinner tonight was some seared tuna with avocado and christophine :) the tuna is almost finished now. I had my tennis lesson today and turns out Bootie is a rather good coach and he has promised more fresh fish and even to take Daniel along to catch some too, all he needs to do is chip in for gas.
We have 2 more weeks here and i have a feeling there will be lots more tuna (or whatever Daniel catches) and tennis!
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